General intercessions for the sick. We ask: Lord, hear your people’s prayer.
General intercessions for the sick Deacon/Lector: For God's Holy Church throughout the world, and for all entrusted with the ministry of the Gospel, we pray to the Lord The general intercessions used during the Sunday Mass are usually written by someone at the parish. • That the sick, and those who have grown weak under the burden of years, may know, through our prayers and concern, the presence of Christ; Let us pray to the Lord. ) Lord Jesus, our brother, you showed your love for the sick . Lord of light and love, we pray. General Intercessions for the Fourth Sunday of Advent, Cycle C Celebrant: Like the Virgin Mary, let us pray now, trusting that the Lord's promises to us will be fulfilled. Intercessions (Set 9) Celebrant: With Christ living to make intercession for us in heaven, we therefore have the courage to offer these prayers through Him. For READER: For the sick in mind or body, for the lonely and the abused and for those who suffer in any way, that they may be comforted by the Holy Spirit. (pause) Lord in your mercy PRIEST: Merciful Father, fill us with your Holy Spirit, that we may always give you thanks and praise, through Christ our Lord. Deacon/Lector: That the Church may continue to be a bright light of knowledge and truth throughout the world General Intercessions for Passion Sunday (Palm Sunday), Cycle A Celebrant: Christ suffered and died so that we might become sons and daughters of God. Here are 12 powerful and effective prayers for the sick to use for yourself or someone you care about on their journey of divine healing: 1. The whole parish will be invited to join in prayer for those who are sick and for their caregivers. Deacon/Lector: That the Church of Jesus Christ may always be joyful in proclaiming His coming, we pray to the Lord Other intercessions might adopt the language of, for instance, something else which has been read or sung in the service. catholic. A voice, like thunder, proclaimed, “this is my beloved Son with whom I am well pleased. RESPOND God, hear our prayer. Celebrant: Almighty and eternal God, grant that your servants may more Oct 5, 2019 · A General Intercession. Amen. Seek healing through the intercession of saints. INTERCESSIONS Prayers led at St Mark's Church by Rev Neil Bramble-Chapman During our prayers this morning, in each section, following a short introductory prayer, there will be a time of silence for us to offer our own prayers to God. Pray these words of supplication to request God's mercy and grace for those with illness. Deacon/Lector: That the efforts of the Church to proclaim the Gospel to the ends of the earth may be blessed with success, we pray to the Lord General Intercessions for the Feast of the Assumption Celebrant: Blessed is she who trusted that the Lord's words to her would be fulfilled. Let us pray in Faith to God, our Creator, Redeemer and Sustainer. org. We therefore turn to him with confidence to pray for the Church and the world. (Psalm 41:3) All: Oh God, heal all who are sick in body and soul. One or two intercessions will be all that is needed. Let us pray for the Church of Rome, Church of Martyrs and Saints, of leaders and of everyday Christians: that it may continue to witness to the truth, encourage and support other Churches throughout the world, and be a source of unity for all God's people, we 399 For the blessing of sick children, the texts already given are to be adapted to the children's level, but special intercessions are provided here and a special prayer of blessing. General Intercessions for the Twenty-Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time, Cycle C Celebrant: We now approach the Father through the One Mediator, Jesus Christ, and we present all our needs. Click here for Spanish version. Formerly, they were often referred to as the General Intercessions or the Petitions. Increase our faith as we answer our baptismal call to take part in the world-wide mission of Jesus. Intercessions 400 To the following intentions others may be added that apply to the condition of the sick children and to the particular circumstances. May they find peace and rest in the presence of God’s love. docx Intercessions Holy Family and following Week 2024. • That doctors, nurses, and all who work in our hospitals, and all those who look after the sick and the elderly, may be blessed for Each week, Priests for Life provides an email service to clergy (subscribe at clergy@priestsforlife. Intercessory prayer for a sick relative. 15 Prayers for the Sick and Dying. Prayer for Healing Through Intercession. Intercessions for the Sick, Elderly and Dying: For all who are about to die: that through our love, care, and devotion, they might know the beauty of life, as they prepare for death; We pray to the Lord: For all people in nursing homes: that we would be inspired to visit them, and remind them of their great worth; We pray to the Lord: General Intercessions Baptism of the Lord January 12, 2025 Presider: When the Lord was baptized, the Spirit of God descended in the form of a dove. In many parishes and communities people carefully craft the intercessions following reflection on the scripture and texts of the day, and on the needs identified in GIRM 70. These are “general” intercessions. Tips for Effective and Meaningful Healing Prayers for the Sick. All: Oh God, heal all who are sick in body and soul. The Bible speaks of the power of interceding for others (James 5:16), especially when someone is physically or spiritually weak. For those who have died in the hope of resurrection and eternal life. General Intercessions for the Second Sunday of Advent, Cycle B. According to the General Instruction of the Roman Missal (#70), the series of intentions is to be: General Intercessions for Easter Sunday, Cycle A Celebrant: By his Resurrection, Christ has conquered all that stands between us and God. Deacon/Lector: That the Church may faithfully carry out its mission to gather people to God by proclaiming and Aug 13, 2023 · General Intercessions The General Intercessions consist of several intentions or petitions, each followed by a moment of silence for personal reflection. 9. (pause) Lord in your mercy PRIEST: God of everlasting love, we ask you to answer our prayers and pray that only your will be done in and through us. Lord, hear us. Loving God, we hold in your healing presence those who Blessing for Those Who Care for the Sick (From CCCB, A Book of Blessings ©Concacan, Inc. Jan 16, 2024 · Whether we are praying for healing, for the sick, for pastors, for young adults, or for lost souls, we can trust that God hears our prayers and answers them according to His will. For all who are bound by additions: that God will free them from the drugs, alcohol, pornography, or violence which holds them and guide them into the freedom that comes with being a For an end to the Covid pandemic: that the virus may be subdued, the sick healed and strength given to all who care for them, Lord, hear us That the sick and the dying may be loved and strengthened by those who care for them, Lord, hear us … That those who have died may be welcomed into the life that never ends: Lord, hear us … Celebrant: For the sick, the homebound, and those recovering from surgery: that we may generously assist them by offering encouragement and support to them For all who care for the sick and the aged: that God will help them to provide their assistance with love and ever renew their strength For all the sick of our families and our parish, that they may join their sufferings to the sufferings of Christ, we pray to the Lord… For all those who have died, that by the power of Christ's birth on earth, they may be born in heaven, we pray to the Lord… Celebrant: Father, the birth of your Son renews our hope. Make us a people of this light. All: Lord, hear our prayer. 81. In thanksgiving for the gift of human life and God’s love for each & every one of us, may we experience the joy of the Resurrection and praise our Lord for every human person; we pray to the Lord. Remember in your mercy all for whom we pray this evening. Father Lord in heaven Today we pray for the family of sick people Mothers, wives, and children who have sick family members We ask that you comfort them We pray that you help them remain strong in prayer for their sick relative Restore all they are losing as a result of this sickness Intercessions for Healing Priest Loving God, Your anointed Son brought healing to those in weakness and distress; he broke the power of evil and set us free from sin and death. For all those who suffer in any way—the poor, the sick, the addicted, those marginalized or rejected—that they may find the grace and healing they need in the sacrament of the Eucharist, let us pray to the Lord. ” General Intercessions for the Twentieth Sunday in Ordinary Time, Cycle B Celebrant: God invites us to share in his divinity by partaking of his Spiritual gifts. 19 General Intercession Prayers For the sick, the poor, and the afflicted, as well as for those who bestow the works of mercy. “General” does not mean “generic” in the sense that they are “pre-packaged We will delve into the heart of general intercession prayers, explore the steps to effective intercession, discover the beauty of opening prayers for intercession, delve into the prayers of the faithful during general intercessions, and find inspiration in general intercessions for Sunday. For all who have died: that the Light of God’s love may lead them into the joy of God’s presence forever. Prayers of the Faithful. Those who are sick and in need of healing 2. Cycle B - 2024. For all who work with the sick and the aged and for all who attended to the needs of That those who are sick or suffering may offer their sufferings to the Lord with patience and trust in his enduring love: Lord, hear us … That those who have died may share the glory of eternal life and reap the promise first offered in baptism: Lord, hear us … Celebrant: General intercessions For the world, that all people may recognize and treat each person as a masterpiece of God’s creation; we pray to the Lord. (pause) Lord in your mercy READER: For those who have died, that they may enjoy their eternal reward with Christ in heaven. WEEK OF JAN. For a new appreciation of creation: that we may have gratitude for the beauties of creation and strive to preserve God’s handiwork for the good of all the human family 11. These are represented General Intercessions for the Nineteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time, Cycle C Celebrant: Having heard God's word, we have the confident assurance of faith to present our needs to the Lord. Christ has suffered so that you will not suffer, he was beaten for your sake so that you may not know pain. Let us pray to the Lord. Try out some ideas and see what works in your church! Some advice Feb 28, 2020 · Diocese of Jefferson City 573-635-9127 | 2207 West Main Street Jefferson City, MO 65109-0914 | diojeffcity. Office Phone: (701) 588-4288 Through words of encouragement and faith they can help the sick unite themselves with the sufferings of Christ for the good of God’s people. READER: For all who are sick, or suffering in any way, that they will be comforted by the ever-present love of our Lord. all the days of our life. OPTION #3. General intercessions The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary Celebrant: Like Mary, we trust that God will hear our prayers. Help us to acknowledge your greatness and to serve you with grateful hearts. GENERAL INTERCESSIONS 17th Sunday in Ordinary Time PRIEST: As we seek to make the riches of God’s Kingdom our highest priority let us present our prayers and petitions to him: READER: For Pope Francis, Bishop Declan and all our Church leaders, that they may continue to call the faithful to reject materialism General intercessions Solemnity of Christ the King (B) Celebrant: As we look to the fulfilment of God's kingdom let us offer our prayers to our Almighty Father. These sample Jan 7, 2024 · For all the sick, those who suffer in body, mind, or spirit: / May they be filled with hope and restored to wholeness / through the mercy of Christ and our ministry of care and communion. For the Church: that we may recognise our calling as God’s sons and daughters and, with the power of the Holy Spirit, show God’s love and compassion in word and deed. Comfort the dying; release the addicted and the abused. Most parishes, however, will allow (and even encourage) couples to write the intercessions for their wedding. and especially for the poor, the sick and the aged: that God might change our hearts and move us to love them as the image of Christ; We pray to the Lord: For all who are lonely or afraid, for teenagers on the street, old people in nursing homes, prisoners with no one to visit them, and all whom the world has forgotten: that Christ might lead Throughout the centuries, the people of God have continued to express this love and care for those who are sick. O. General Intercessions Baptism of the Lord January 12, 2025 Presider: When the Lord was baptized, the Spirit of God descended in the form of a dove. For those who have died and whose names are listed in this week’s church bulletin. For ourselves, as we raise up in silence the intentions in our hearts. We earnestly pray for all those who are sick. Box 61 Horace, ND 58047-0061. For all who are suffering: that we may feed the hungry, clothe the naked, and assist the sick and dying 10. but will deepen and intensify . We pray for those named in the Book of the Sick, our prayer wall and: Luis Calderon +WE PRAY TO THE LORD 6. Prayer for the Church. General Intercessions for the Thirty-First Sunday in Ordinary Time, Cycle A Celebrant: Christ our teacher and Lord gathers us together to worship. ” Jesus’ ministry began at this moment as he laid the foundations of his People. That political leaders will seek to foster the common good of all their PRAYERS OF THE FAITHFUL (General Intercessions) These two prayers we will pray at each funeral Mass: RESPONSE IS: “LORD, HEAR OUR PRAYER. Here are 50 Prayers of Intercession for This Sunday, covering various aspects of faith, life, and community. The sick and the parish community both share in the one paschal mystery celebrated in the Sunday eucharist: “Besides remembering the sick in the general intercessions at Mass, those present should be Aug 15, 2010 · General Intercessions for Saint Anthony of Padua Catholic Church. Aug 15, 2023 · We will delve into the biblical foundations of prayer for the sick, explore testimonies of miraculous healings, and provide practical guidance on how to pray effectively. For those who are sick, lonely or depressed: that they may be strengthened by God's love and aided by friends and family. 15. Mar 21, 2016 · That sick infants and children may be blessed with healing and joy, we pray to the Lord: That those who suffer alone may find consolation through the gentle presence of others, we pray to the Lord: That those who are dying may be filled with serenity and peace, we pray to the Lord: Oct 6, 2022 · Use these Christian prayers for the sick for your friends and family's comfort, healing, and salvation. (pause) Lord in your mercy PRIEST: Heavenly Father, you know each one of us and all our needs. (Click here to download these prayers as a Word file) Sample intercessions Diana Macalintal. A Christian Church where you will find a welcome whoever you are. Presider Gathered as servants of God, we offer our prayers in joyful confidence. “Por la Santa Iglesia: para que sea el refugio y la guía de todos los creyentes, oremos al Señor. sloppily, written intercessions proclaimed at Mass. General Intercessions for the Feast of the Epiphany, Cycle A Celebrant: The whole world is called to acknowledge that Jesus is Lord. The power of prayer for the sick extends far beyond its spiritual benefits; it has been recognized as a source of both solace and healing through different times and seasons. This prayer is the hinge between the two That our Faith may lead us to the presence of Christ in the sick, the poor, the oppressed, and the unborn, we pray to the Lord… Baptism of the Lord That every unborn child may be brought safely to the waters of baptism, and to the joy of hearing the Good News of salvation, we pray to the Lord… Ash Wednesday General Petitions For all the sick and suffering and for those who care for them, that they may be filled daily with courage and hope. 3. Guide them in their labors, 17. Cycle C - 2022. 321-500-1000, Toll Free 888-735-3448 • Email: mail@priestsforlife. They might be accompanied by songs or chants. Barbara Koob (Cope) was General Intercessions for the Transfiguration, Cycle B Celebrant: We long for a world transfigured by the life and love of God. With confidence that God is with us, we humbly bring him our needs. As we invite Him into our lives, let us present to Him all our needs. [The sick are remembered in the daily prayer of the Church and especially at Eucharist during the Prayer of the Faithful. Deacon/Lector: That the Church may grow in grace through this season of Advent as we prepare to greet the Lord Jesus when he returns, we pray to the Lord… Universal Prayer, General Intercessions The 1966 booklet by the Congregation for Divine Worship, The Universal Prayer or Prayer of the Faithful (UP) states that just as communion is the climax of the Liturgy of the Eucharist, so the Prayer of the Faithful is the climax of the entire Liturgy of the Word. In this season of hope and blessing, we pray for the Church and for the world. Heavenly Father, In the mighty name of Jesus, For a dedication to the common good and a love of all who are poor or sick. General Intercessions. Celebrant: In the tender plan of His providence, God our almighty Father has given married love, its faithfulness (and its fruitfulness), a special significance in the history of salvation. All Lord, hear our prayer. We pray for those who care for the sick and injured, may they have the skill and compassion they need and be given the resources and means to serve with love and joy. Celebrant: The Spirit of God continues to unite us as a people and enables us to pray and intercede for the needs of others. org) containing three elements: General Intercessions, A one - paragraph bulletin insert, Suggestions for drawing pro-life themes out of the Sunday readings for the homily. ) 2 days ago · Shepherd our beloved sick and grieving. For all young people of our parish who are making lifetime choices at this time, we pray to the LORD. 1 Timothy 2:1 “I urge, then, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for all people. General Intercessions for the Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time, Cycle B General Intercessions Celebrant: We trust and hope in the goodness of the Lord, and we bring to Him our needs, the needs of the Church, and those of the whole world. St. You can choose one of the sample sets of intercessions that follow or write your own. General Intercessions for the Feast of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross Celebrant: God has given us his only Son for our salvation. General Intercessions 1. In our Eucharist today filled with hope let us rejoice. 6. General Intercessions Priest The Spirit of God renews the face of the earth. We ask this through your Son, Jesus Christ, Redeemer of the world. Jesus, Son of Mary, we pray. United by the Holy Spirit to our brothers and sisters in Christ, we present our needs to God. Help us to acknowledge your greatness and so yield a harvest of faith, hope and love. Reader: That we may become a true communion of saints growing together in holiness and reflecting the heavenly kingdom on earth: Lord, hear us whole of the Prayer of the Faithful. We can also pray for our families, our marriages, and our relationships, asking God to bless and strengthen them. Mar 21, 2016 · That sick infants and children may be blessed with healing and joy, we pray to the Lord: That those who suffer alone may find consolation through the gentle presence of others, we pray to the Lord: That those who are dying may be filled with serenity and peace, we pray to the Lord: Reader 6 We pray for the sick, the troubled, the lonely and the vulnerable. For those who have died, especially those who have given their lives in witness to the faith, that their union with ENGLISH - General intercessions for sick, elderly and the dying For all who are about to die: that through our love, care, and devotion, they might know the beauty of life, as they prepare for death; We pray to the Lord: READER: For all who are sick or who suffer in any way, that they will be comforted. General Intercessions for the Feast of the Epiphany, Cycle C Celebrant: The Lord has made himself known to us and to all nations. General intercessions The Second Sunday of Advent (C) Celebrant: Having heard God's word we present our needs with confidence. ] G E N E R A L I N T E R C E S S I O N S. For those prayers that we hold in the silence of our hearts. 30am until late, welcoming over 60 community groups and charities based at our centre. Intercessions 4th Advent 2024. Drawn together in God's love, we offer our prayers to the Father. As you answer our prayers, READER: For the sick, the suffering, the homeless and the hungry, that we may always recognise the Christ who lives in them and share with them the gifts that God has given to us. Confident that God hears the voices of those who trust For the convenience of parishes, we offer an entire set of General Intercessions for Sundays and Feast days in English and Spanish. We pray to That the sick, the suffering, and the dying may be loved and strengthened by those who care for them, Lord, hear us … That those who have died may be welcomed into the life that never ends: Lord, hear us … Celebrant: Let us seek the help of Mary, Cause of our Joy, as we say, Hail, Mary… Each week, Priests for Life provides an email service to clergy (subscribe at clergy@priestsforlife. (Lk 4:40) That the sick and the suffering may enjoy the consoling presence of their family and friends and know the support of the wider Christian community: Lord, hear us … That those who have died may be filled with the joy of seeing Jesus face to face: Lord, hear us … Celebrant: Let us seek the help of Mary, Immaculate, as we say, Hail, Mary… Find more intercessions for Sudan 28 April We pray for the people of Sudan, as they face conflict and hunger: that through God’s grace and our actions they may know peace and receive the practical support that they need. Bring us peace of mind. Through the intercession of St. Reader: The Lord sustains him on his sickbed; in his illness you restore him to full health. Grateful for our faith, we now bring the Lord our petitions. who are dedicated to helping and healing the sick. Lord hear us: Lord graciously hear us. So, when writing intercessions for Mass, here are 10 principles to keep in mind. As you answer our prayers, GENERAL INTERCESSIONS Solemnity of the Ascension of the Lord . Deacon/Lector: That those to be baptized and received into the Church this Easter may be kept safe from GENERAL INTERCESSIONS “PRAYERS OF THE PEOPLE” I ncluding a petition for stewardship in the Prayers of the Faithful throughout the year serves as a continual reminder of the importance of accepting stewardship as a way of life. org 1. Reader 7 We pray for all who have gone before us. Response: Lord, hear our prayer. As we celebrate Marriage Sunday in the Archdiocese of Toronto, let us lift our prayers to Him: Lector: For all the sick of our families and our parish, that they may join their sufferings to the sufferings of Christ, we pray to the Lord… For all those who have died, that by the power of Christ's birth on earth, they may be born in heaven, we pray to the Lord… Celebrant: Father, the birth of your Son renews our hope. For those struggling with terrible diseases:that each day might be a new revelation of God's love for them; We pray to the Lord:For those tempted to despair Oct 21, 2024 · Intercessory prayer is when you pray on behalf of others, standing in the gap between them and God. The Church's ritual book, Pastoral Care of the Sick and the Dying, contains many prayers and blessings for the For the Sick & Suffering: For those who are sick, lonely, discouraged, or oppressed: that they may be strengthened by God’s help and aided by their friends. GENERAL INTERCESSIONS FOR VOCATION AWARENESS From the Syracuse Diocese Office of Vocation Promotion 1. The Liturgy Committee has offered guidance on the intercession, grant us the favor which we confidently ask of you so that the people of God, following the inspiration of her life and apostolate, may practice charity towards all according to your word and example. August 15, 2010 GENERAL INTERCESSIONS That the sick may draw strength, consolation, and healing Dec 20, 2023 · PRIEST: Christ is coming, the day of the Lord brings salvation for all. Kim Mandelkow Director for the Office for Worship 414-769-3349 oremus@archmil. org Email: mail@ READER: For the sick and those who suffer in any way, that they may be comforted by the Holy Spirit. Deacon/Lector: That the Church may tirelessly reveal the glory of Christ to all nations and peoples who do not yet know him, we pray to the Lord May 9, 2023 · If you have anyone that is sick or suffering from one pain or another, we will be fishing out general intercessions for the sick. Help us to see you and serve you in the sick. Celebrant: With confidence in the God who always hears us, let us offer our prayers and petitions to the Father. We now present those needs to him with confidence. Let us pray for the world and all its leaders [silence]: 4 days ago · Let us pray for all who are sick and for all who are in hospital that they may be aware that the Lord is with them in their troubles. Remembrance of the sick is especially appropriate at common worship on the Lord’s Day, during the general intercessions at Mass and in the intercessions at Morning Prayer and Evening Prayer. We ask this through Christ our Lord. General Intercessions for the First Sunday in Advent, Cycle A Celebrant: This special season focuses our minds on the Lord's coming. In observance of the World Day of the Sick, (Parish Name) will offer the Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick during Mass on (date/time). Therefore, we can hope that he will likewise fulfill all our other needs. For the sick and the suffering, especially those listed in our book of the sick, on our prayer wall, and for: Cathy Lohr-Arkin (Lore-Arken) Mary Louise Canchola (Can-cho-lah) Natalie Darrah (dar-rah) Luz Flores Elbert Jacinto (Ya-sin-toe) Rick Resultay Norma Wheeler +We pray to the Lord. docx Intercessions Christmas Masses 2024. Marianne Cope, I ask for the grace of (mention your request). Cycle A - 2023. For all the prayers we hold in the silence of our hearts. (pause) Lord in your mercy PRIEST: God of love, Father of all, the darkness that covered the earth has given way to the bright dawn of your Word made flesh. May they celebrate everlasting life in Christ Jesus. In faith, we lift up our hearts and prayers to the Father through him. docx cco-reception@adelaide. Therefore we bring him our needs and the needs of the world. Sunday worship is 9. As you answer our prayers, We earnestly pray for all those who are sick. (pause) Lord in your mercy… 1. We ask you to have mercy on the sick and to heal them according to your will. 5, 2025 We earnestly pray for all those who are sick. < Lord God, we thank you for the gifts, talents and abilities you have given each of us. Reader 1. READER: For all who are sick or suffering, burdened or bereaved, that they will experience the healing love of God in their lives. For all families, that they may have a positive regard for vocations to the priesthood and religious life, we pray to the LORD. General Intercessions Author: UNIVERSAL PRAYER / PRAYER OF THE FAITHFUL / GENERAL INTERCESSIONS / PETITIONS All of the above are titles for the same part of the liturgy, most commonly referred to as the UNIVERSAL PRAYER. 30am Our community centre is open each day from 7. (Response) For perfect joy, peace, and a heart open to love. Deacon/Lector: That the Church will continue to proclaim to the world the invitation of For the sick, the dying, and all the deceased, that through the intercession of the apostles, they may experience the light of the Gospel, we pray to the Lord Celebrant: Father, We rejoice in the call to belong to the Church, To believe in the Gospel, and to be united with the successors of your Apostles. Prayer for the sick For all the sick of our families and our parish, that they may join their sufferings to the sufferings of Christ, we pray to the Lord… For all those who have died, that by the power of Christ's birth on earth, they may be born in heaven, we pray to the Lord… Celebrant: Father, the birth of your Son renews our hope. For the sick and homebound of our parish, that we may bring them the Lord’s consoling presence through our love and assistance. For all who are ill: that God will restore the sick, provide comfort and support to the homebound, and give strength to all parents with sick children. (Response) (Pastoral Care of the Sick #3) SUNDAY MASS AND COMMUNION FOR THE SICK . Benedict Catholic Church Physical Address: 8547 Front Street, Horace. (pause) Lord in your mercy General Intercessions: Pentecost - Year B . R/. Deacon/Lector: That the Church may be blessed with continued zeal to spread the Gospel to every part of the world, we pray to the Lord For all who are suffering: that God will heal the sick, particularly those with the flu or RSV, protect the homeless from the cold, and comfort the grieving 13. docx Intercessions Octave of Christmas 2024. org Jun 8, 2024 · The Power of Prayer for the Sick. Reader: For a growing appreciation of Mary as Mother of the Church: that the witness of Mary’s faithfulness to God will inspire greater discipleship in us: Lord, hear us Each week, Priests for Life provides an email service to clergy (subscribe at clergy@priestsforlife. Deacon/Lector: That the Church may faithfully carry out its mission to gather people to God by proclaiming and READER: For all who are sick or suffering, lonely or housebound, that they will draw hope from the coming of the Christ-child. Hear the prayers we offer in silence … We ask: Lord, hear your people’s prayer. That during this time of Eucharistic Revival, Catholics in the United States may work Nov 15, 2024 · Prayers of Intercession for This Sunday. God with us, we pray. Mailing Address: P. Oct 31, 2016 · Here are some intercessions and prayers for the upcoming elections that you can select from and adapt for use in your Sunday and weekday Masses and in your own personal prayers. ” The General Intercessions (or Prayer of the Faithful) should include prayers for the Church, for peace in the world, for you as a new couple, for the sick and those unable to be present, and for any deceased family and friends. by your concern for them. , 1981, p. In times of sickness, these prayers can provide comfort, healing, and encouragement to those in need. He laid his hands on each of them and cured them. 1. As such, we can now pray to the Father. For all caregivers; especially _____ at Hillenbrand Nursing Home who continually showed great care and compassion for _____. We therefore approach the Father now with great confidence. Deacon/Lector: That the Church may preach and live the life of humility, constant repentance, and joyful fidelity, we pray to the Lord 5. Every cause of suffering in your life is taken away in the name of Jesus Christ. We ask: Lord, hear your people’s prayer. (pause) Lord in your mercy PRIEST: God our Father, you have made us your sons and daughters in Jesus Christ. Bless + these men and women . (pause) Lord in your mercy PRIEST: God our Father, as we celebrate today's feast, hear our prayers and grant us a love of the Eucharist that will never grow stale . "I urge, then, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for all people - for May 15, 2024 · For the terminally ill and their families, that through Mary’s intercession they may have courage and trust in Christ’s promise of eternal life. Jan 5, 2025 · Prayers and intercessions suitable to be used in church on Sundays. Console the homebound, those alone, afraid and imprisoned. READER: For the sick, the suffering and the housebound, that they may know the healing touch of God’s love. Here are a few examples of how you can phrase the intentions in Spanish: 1. Like Mary, let us now trust that he will hear our prayers. We pray to the Lord. We pray also for our loved ones who have died – may they rest in peace. 1 From Thomas Merton’swritings Each week, Priests for Life provides an email service to clergy (subscribe at clergy@priestsforlife. PRIEST: As we wait and watch for the coming of the Lord again we turn to the Father in prayer: READER: For the Church, that the Lord will grant wisdom and insight to all who lead and guide us in our faith. Sample General Intercessions In gratitude for our health, and for healing for all who are sick, especially those listed in our church bulletin and their caregivers. We pray also for all those who have died, including Mary Lou Covich LaSalle – may their souls rest in peace. Deacon/Lector: That the Church, like the Virgin Mary, may bring Christ into the world with joy, and be General Intercessions for a Funeral Liturgy From Through Death to Life by Joseph M. We ask this in his name, Christ Jesus, our Lord. Cantor: That the Church, both in her pastors and in her faithful, will proclaim to the world the Good News of salvation. Champlin H1 The Priest begins: Brothers and sisters, Jesus Christ is risen from the dead and sits at the right hand of the Father, where he intercedes for his Church. (pause) Lord in your mercy PRIEST: Merciful Father, hear the prayers we bring to you. This gives us confidence to bring him our needs. Deacon/Lector: That the Holy Spirit may continue to guide the Church in truth, and her light may shine more brightly in the world, we pray to the Lord Aug 25, 2021 · Through words of encouragement and faith they can help the sick unite themselves with the sufferings of Christ for the good of God’s people. 2. Celebrant: Almighty and eternal God, grant that your servants may more [ P aris h i nte ntions fo r th e sick a n d for those w ho have died. Deacon/ Lector/ Cantor: Please respond: “Lord, hear our prayer. (pause) Lord in your mercy… READER: For our parishes and communities, that they may be places of welcome and compassion, where rich and poor alike are recognised as beloved by God. READER: For the lonely, the bereaved, the sick, and all those who are suffering in any way, that the light of Christ will shine on them. au General Intercessions Baptism of the Lord January 12, 2025 Presider: When the Lord was baptized, the Spirit of God descended in the form of a dove. The following links provide a single pro-life petition, in English and Spanish, that can be included in the General Intercessions. We pray for those who are suffering from any kind of sickness, and for those who are at risk of getting sick. Help us to live by that truth as we await his coming. Reader: All who had people sick with various diseases brought them to [Jesus]. Reader: That we may make ready a way for the Lord, and make a straight path for God in our hearts, our families, and our places of work and play, Lord, hear us … Jan 16, 2024 · Here is a sample prayer of intercession for the sick: “Father, we thank you for your compassion, and for caring for our sick brothers and sisters in Christ. Deacon/Lector: That all who hold and teach the Catholic Faith, especially those preparing for the Easter that through the intercession of she whose heart was pierced with a sword, they might know peace and strength; We pray to the Lord For those who mourn the death of a child, that they may be given the strength and courage to face the future, and that they may be understood and blessed; We pray to the Lord For all who work in abortions clinics: Each week, Priests for Life provides an email service to clergy (subscribe at clergy@priestsforlife. As you answer our prayers, Priests for Life PO Box 236695 • Cocoa, FL 32923 Tel. With confidence let us offer God our petitions and concerns. The Power of Healing Prayer for the Sick. READER: As disciples of Christ, living temples of God. Deacon/Lector: That the Church may be united in professing her faith in Jesus Christ to a troubled world, we pray to the Lord. ” Prayer “Lord, through the intercession of the saints, we seek healing for [Name]. (Response) For the intercession of all the saints, especially those who lived a single life, that our love for God grow in abundance. Deacon/Lector: That all Church leaders will be renewed in their mission of leading all people to Jesus, the Risen Lord, we pray to the Lord. O Lord Jesus Christ our God, in your mercy and loving kindness the sick and the suffering, the sorrowing and the afflicted, all captives, For the sick, the poor, and the afflicted, as well as for those who bestow the works of mercy. Sometimes, the intercessions will invite prayer based on the readings in the service, especially from the Gospel. All who are sick, elderly, facing surgery, or seeking the gift of God’s healing are welcome to participate. General Intercessions for the Fifth Sunday in Lent, Cycle A Celebrant: God has conquered death. Lord, hear our prayer. Otherwise known as the Universal Prayer or General Intercessions, these prayers are introduced by the celebrating priest, then a deacon or another member of the congregation or the priest himself proposes a number of intentions to pray for, and the people respond with a short invocation such as “Lord, hear our prayer”. Deacon/Lector: That the Church may effectively prepare the world for the coming of the Son of Man, and Jan 5, 2025 · General Intercessions “The Epiphany of the Lord” January 5, 2025 Presider: Behold, the Lord, the mighty One, has come, and kingship is in his grasp, and power and dominion. May we comfort them by sharing God’s healing love. You may select some to read them from the ambo, or [Parish intentions for the sick and for those who have died] Celebrant God our Father, you bless us with the gift of faith. Intercessions for the Marginalized En Español Print Download PDF For those deprived of their human needs, and their human rights: that they may be given the dignity which God confers on all his people; We pray to the Lord: For all who are forgotten or thrown away, and especially for the poor, the sick and the aged: that God might change our hearts General Intercessions for the Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time, Cycle C Celebrant: The prayer of the humble pierces the clouds. Deacon/Lector: That the Church may lift high the Cross of Christ, proclaiming forgiveness and For the sick, the lonely and the oppressed, that they may be touched by the hand of healing and lifted up in friendship and justice, let us pray to the Lord. These prayers can be used individually or corporately during Sunday worship. We lift up to you the prayers of this community, and those we hold in the silence of our hearts.
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